BABYSITTING CLINIC Grades 5-9 Instructor: Sam Jens Lyon County 4-H Coordinator
Get ready for babysitting this year! The Super Sitter Clinic is a great opportunity for both girls and boys, because babysitting is not a job to be taken lightly! The clinic will promote safe, sensitive care for children and the best possible babysitting experience for sitters. Through hands-on experiences, students will develop skills for providing care, entertaining, and handling emergencies. You will also get a great start on a babysitting kit to use “on the job”. You must attend all sessions to receive a certificate! The students should bring a snack. Class limited to 20 students. Deadline: January21
Tuesday/Thursday February 4, 6, 11, 13 February 18 ( Make up date) 3:15 - 4:45 pm Community Education Room $30